Nov 27, 2009

Single Player Mode ...

All topics interest me and some haunt me, until I end up writing them in my blog.

In the moment of revelation I found that in the game of life dependency function is disabled we can share our food, money and any attribute but not emotions .I was still trying to take in the notion that 'I AM ALONE in a bunch of morons’. The inextinguishable, undaunted appetite to achieve my dream resulted in a disaster. And it was only at the moment I finished my exam I recognized the enormity of the risk I had taken.

How do I explain this mysterious affinity between my physical and mental entities that resulted in building a new prototype for life, which explains that our life is like a game playing in Single Player Mode.

It is not the things we do in Life that we regret on our death bed ,But it is things we do not.. So Play Urself .

Nov 22, 2009

Missing Home...


I miss home.

And when I say home..

I really mean MOM and DAD.

Gave everything for me .

Thought of sending money perennially.

Reckoning of money n assets r not going to give any happiness for them.

It may be impossible to repay everything.

Now, all they have is each other.

With DAD being so prayerful

and MOM always smiling and shooting her Doubts..

Somehow gives me the assurance that they'll be super okay.

But They are not in need of any financial assistance.

but they want me to sit beside them J

On 13th that was the first time in my adult life I broke into tears thinking abt my 19th month in Paris


Tears can cleanse my eyes but not my thoughts, they are much clear now.

I am not a POET but a PUPPET of Destiny

Let me do ...

There is again, a torrent of thoughts in my mind. Am I a writer? What am I writing? Does it make any sense at all or does it make too much sense? Why do I write? Do I want people to read and tell me it's good or do I hope, but in vain, that my thoughts, once out there, will not surface again to haunt and nag?

When your writing is taken in the opposite sense of what you wanted it to be, doesn't that make you a not-so-good writer? No, I do not need validation here. I do not need anyone telling me whether I am good or bad. These are thoughts aloud.

I do not mean to hurt, I don't think most people in the world intend to hurt others at all. But yet I seem to, by words, spoken, written. Would it be that I am too forthright? Or maybe, like a mother whose child can never do a wrong, I am blind when I write. Maybe I cannot see what you might when you read it. Maybe that is what hurts.

As a writer, as a human being, I feel. And I used to write here because I wanted you to know how I feel . Ain’t I entitled to a little pleasure …